Thursday, August 25, 2011


Hi friends,
         All of us are searching for how to tie a tie to become a professional. I am also interest to search it.
Now i have the simple video and photos which are used to know about How to TIE a TIE.

I have also a simple video which demonstrates you as how to TIE a TIE in a simple way.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Attractive 3D DESKTOP windows not a DOCK.

Hi friends,
              If you are bored to see with window in a minimized size.
ya... I have a solution for this. ITS NOT A DOCK.                            

It will show the minimzed window in a 3d shape. 

     * You get an attractive look.
     * You don't want to go the taskbar for opening the each minimized application; just by clicking on the corresponding desktop screen you can open it.
     * This also contain the button in right  top most corner of your window.
     * You can also add shortcut to minimze the window. For this
      Right Click on the top right button --> Setting--> HOT KEY tab. And set your option.

Its by the new sotware as:

To download MADOTATE...

To download TOPDESK...
Click here... 

               In your system it works when you open it means you have to notify this program as STARTUP progrm. For this you have to follow the following instruction Start--> All Programs--> Startup. Add this file.
Thats all and cool. You done it.

The following are images which you get when you minimize the window in your desktop....

Enjoy guys...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Firefox ( FENNEC ) for MOBILE.

Fennec for MOBILE.

Hi friends there is an another outcome from firefox specially for phones. Check it out....
             Firefox for mobile (codenamed Fennec) is the name of the build of the Mozilla Firefox web browser for devices such as mobile phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs).
            Firefox for mobile versions use the same Gecko layout engine as their Firefox counterparts. For example, version 1.0 used the same engine as Firefox 3.6, and the next release, 4.0, shared core code with Firefox 4.0. Its features include tabbed browsingpassword managerlocation-aware browsing, and the ability to synchronize with the user's computer Firefox browser using Firefox Sync.
The user interface is completely redesigned for small screen optimization, the controls are hidden away so that only the web content is shown on screen and it uses touchscreen interaction methods in place of dragging actions with a mouse.
            It is currently available for Android 2.0 and above devices with an ARM7 CPU[10] and the Nokia N900 Maemo device. An alpha of version 1.1 for Windows Mobile is also available. Following the Windows Phone 7 announcement and Microsoft's decision not to release a native development kit, development for Windows Mobile was put on hold. If Microsoft releases a native development kit in the future for its Windows Phone 7 OS, then Mozilla will consider developing Fennec on the Windows Phone platform again.
Mozilla has no plans to develop Firefox for Palm's WebOS, although an unofficial port to WebOS has begun. An unofficial port is also available for the OpenPandora Handheld.
Tristan Nitot, president of Mozilla Europe, has said that it's unlikely that an iPhone or a BlackBerry version will be released, citing Apple's non-compete application approval policies and BlackBerry's limited operating system as the reasons. There are no plans to develop Firefox for the Symbian platform.
While desktop versions are not supported, versions for Microsoft WindowsMac OS X and Linux are available; these versions are intended as a way to give people who do not have a supported operating system the ability to localize, experiment and build add-ons.

To want to check out fennec means visit
      Get FENNEC for URS..
