Saturday, October 13, 2012

Photoshop (Pencil) Tricks.

Hi friends,
          This is the photoshop simple tricks which i wanted to present for urs. By this you can change your any photos into beautiful pencil art.

Step 1: Open your photoshop application, then open your photo which you wants to change as pencil art.
    Image can be open by the command

Step 2:
Make a duplicate of your image because if it is saved as .jpg source cannot be recreated.
For this you have to follow the option
Step 3: Apply the following actions on the duplicate image.

Step 4: Make a duplicate of your "background" layer (layer>duplicate layer).

Step 5: Turn that "background copy" layer to Black and White.
(Image>Image Adjustments>Desaturate).

Step 6: Make two copies of that "background cop”
(layer>duplicate layer).
We get "background copy 2" and "background copy 3" layers.

Step 7: Invert the "background copy 3" layer
(Image>Image Adjustments>Invert).

Step 8: Change the layer mode of "background copy 3" to "Color Dodge" (in the layer palette). It is found in the layer tab and you have some listbox in that you will find it.

Step 9: Apply "Gaussian Blur" to "background copy 3"
(Filter>Blur> Gaussian Blur).

Play with it until you get the desired look.
My sample here is with 13 pixels.

Step 10: You can darken some areas with the "Burn Tool" and brighten other areas with the "Dodge Tool" for your desired look. It is found in the TOOLBOX.

Step 11: Change the layer mode of "background copy 2" to "Color" (in the layer palette).
[Hide the "background copy" layer if you want to see the changes]

Step 12: Change the layer mode of "background copy" to "Darken" and experiment with the opacity of "background copy" for your desired look.

Fix the opacity which you requires.
Add some extra things to make attractive.

thats all, its done.. post it in your facebook or any other social network page and get your friends comments.



Friday, May 25, 2012

Pencil ARTS and IMAGES... Beautiful...!?!

Hi dudes,
              These are some of my pencil arts which i want to share to yours. I think its beautiful; post UR comments.

Enjoy the CooL ones..

Always STAY and be COOL....

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Enjoy UR free time..

                                                 By Making a KITE..!!! 

Using our free time is also the important ones.

If you want to use your free time with easier and available things..??

Then why you can’t make the KITE and make it to ride in the sky.

The following will describe the things and simple steps which are helping you to make the kite in easier and faster way.

THINGS which are needed to make the kite.

1.       PAPER ( EX: NEWSPAPER will easily satisfy this one).
2.       Four sticks with less thickness ( EX:COCONUT tree leave sticks)
3.       Thread four tying the sticks and to make the kite to fly in the sky.
4.       GUM.

STEPS which are follows to make a KITE:
STEP 1: 
                Cut the one side of (NEWS) PAPER to make the square shape; it will look big in size but it will seems small when it fly in the sky.

                Take thread and tie the two stick and make the BOW. Likewise also tie another two stick with some piece of thread. For example see the below picture.
             These are some of the other parts which are used for kite.
                After making the bow and stick, fix it in the SQUARE shaped paper.
             Stick the piece of papers in the bow fixed paper. The model is shown below:

  After affix those piece of papers, glue the tail part and make the holes which is shown as RED in color.      

 Tie those thread which looks in the front side of the kite.
This is one of the essential step which we have to take care when tie the thread. Because based on the thread tying only the kite will fly. So please take care of it.
In the second step loosely tie the thread because "WE HAVE TO ADJUST IT. THIS ADJUSTMENT FOR THE KITE TO FLY".

                After tying the thread you have to satisfy the below condition then only the KITE will fly over long distance in the sky.

ALL the best, DUDES. After making it, COLOR your KITES as your needs.
Have a fun with your family, KIDS and FRIENDS.


ALWAYS be COOL and stay COOL….

If you have any doubts means post it, I will post a video as quicker as possible.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Beautiful and Wonderful Wallpapers for MOBILE

These are some of the beautiful wallpapers which i have to share for urs...!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy it.....!!!